Razvan Craciunescu
Future Networks Researcher
Assoc. Prof., PhD Advisor
CAMPUS research institute
Razvan Craciunescu received the bachelor, master and PhD degree in electronic engineering and telecommunications from the University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, in 2010, 2012 and respectively 2018. He received also a master’s degree in project management from the Bucharest University of Economic Studies in 2018.
He received his PhD supervisor title in 2024, and the main PhD topics on which he can advise are: Future Communication Networks / Internet of Things / Smart Everything / Cybersecurity. PhD candidates are welcomed to, send an email to razvan.craciunescu@upb.ro .
He is currently an Associate Professor and the ViceDean of the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies. He also coordinates this Future Networks 5G Lab the first R&D 5G lab from the university. His research interests are 5G and beyond 5G networks, IoT and cybersecurity.
As ViceDean he oversees Industry-Academia Partnerships, International Affairs, Public Policies and Student’s competitions/hackathons.
Between 2015-2016, he was a Researcher at Center for TeleInfrastruktur, Aalborg University, Denmark in the field of signal processing for communication systems and virtual incubators for startups. In 2018 he was a Fulbright-RAF invited professor at University of Rochester, USA, in the field of emerging technologies and entrepreneurship.
He has a special interest in early stage startups as the current Head of Academic Community @Innovation Labs, Mentor @UPBizz and a former startup owner, a former alumni of UiPath and a former Chief Product Growth Officer@Procesio.
He is actively promoting entrepreneurship and tech transfer in Higher education and he is a mentor for startups in incubators or pre-acceleration programs in Romania or in Republic of Moldova. He is also part of TechAngels and Mozaic, two business angels’ networks in Romania and the Republic of Moldova.