Research Projects

Team Members Research Projects

Our Team members during their research activities attracted more than 5.5 million EUR in public and private funding for R&D projects. Also, the team members started start-ups or spin-offs that they managed, sold or on which they failed. 

The team has more than 50 years cumulated experience in R&D projects, either as project coordinators or as team members managing the technical implementation. 

Ongoing R&D projects

The research team is involved in the following R&D funded projects:
  1. 5G Connect Danube Delta, CEF project (2024-2027) – enhancing the 5G infrastructure in the Danube Delta. 
  2. Climate-Neutral Governance, component project no 1 of the National Competence Centre and solutions for the development of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” (NetZeRoCities), EU funded – NextGenerationEU and Romanian Government through PNRR, contract no. 760007 / 30.12.2022  2023-2026 ( Razvan Craciunescu UNSTPB partner responsible ) 
  3. Smart Campus and Digital Twin, component project no 5 of the National Competence Centre and solutions for the development of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities” (NetZeRoCities), EU funded – NextGenerationEU and Romanian Government through PNRR, contract no. 760007 / 30.12.2022  2023-2024
  4. Research Collaboration and Mobility for Beyond 5G Future Wireless Networks,  Horizon 2020 RISE No. 872857. 
  5. MObility and Training fOR beyond 5G Ecosystems, Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie No 861219. 
  6. Arrowhead Flexible Production Value Networks, Horizon Europe KDT no 101111977, 2023-2026
  7. European Engineering Learning Innovation and Science Alliance – EELISA 2.0 – ctr. ERASMUS + 101124676/2023 (2023-2027)
  8. Empowering the new generation of Young Digital Europeans – contract number – Code4 Euerope – contract no 101158834 (2023-2026)

Finished R&D projects

Public funded projects
The lab team was involved in the following public funded prrojects:
  1. “A Massive MIMO Enabled IoT Platform with Networking Slicing for Beyond 5G IoV/V2X and Maritime Services (SOLID-B5G) project, code RO-NO-2019-0499 is financed by the Norwegian Financial Mechanism  (Razvan Craciunescu project responsible)
  2. EELISA UNlocking Full innOvation capacity buiLDing and entrepreneurship, EIT Cross-KIC Strategic Outreach,  no. 020224503
  3. Sistem de apărare împotriva dronelor bazat pe platforme radio definite prin software (DroneEnd)", Contract no. PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1951, Proiect UEFISCDI de tip “Proiect Experimental Demonstrativ” (2020-2022)
  4. Crearea de coduri de imprastiere complexe cu corelatie mica,  AOSR project Number 21  (2022-2023)
  5. POLITEHNICA Bucharest capacity bulding on entrepreneurship and tech trasnfer, National Project PFE ID 574 (2023-2024)
  6. EELISA UNlocking Full innOvation capacity buiLDing and entrepreneurship, Proiect de tip EIT Cross-KIC Strategic Outreach, EIT project number: 020224503 (2022-2023)

Private funded research projects (industry funded research projects)

The lab team implemented 3  private funded R&D projects (aprox 35000 EUR without VAT) with  several components

  1. 5G and LoRa R&D development
    • For this project the lab team implemented several end-to-end 5G and LoRa systems for a private company
  2. Tech Transfer evaluation and recommendations
    • For  this project the lab team assessed the tech transfer capabilities of the company and proposed several measures through which the tech transfer process to be more straight forward. 
  3. Testing 5G off-the shelf devices
    • For this task the team developed and implemented a test-bed in a home-like environment, to be used to test the capacity of the devices in a real environment. Using the designed environment several capacity/traffic/bandwidth tests were performed
  4. Testing LTE-m network and LTE-m network parameters for IoT devices
    • For this task the team performed several test (mobility/static/power saving) to demonstrate what are the optimal parameters to be set on an IoT device in order to be optimized for the network.

The project current results were used by the industry partner to launch new products. 

Industry Collaboration

If you are a startup a spinoff or a big company come and partner with us in developing new products and services!